Saturday, February 5, 2011


I know that when I started this blog, I declared an intention to post weekly.

Life has intervened.

On Tuesday, January 25, my father-in-law woke up sick to his stomach. A trip to the doctor revealed a flare-up of his diverticulitis. Antibiotics helped that, and I thought we'd really dodged a bullet.

Then last Sunday, he started having chest pains. We called 911 and rushed him to the hospital. Testing revealed a blockage and a mild heart attack. He had a heart catheterization procedure on Thursday, and was finally allowed to come home yesterday.

I haven't done crap with my goals. On February 1, I evaluated my goals for January (the only real weight-loss related one being not to drink any Coke) and decided that I've effectively kicked Coke. I did have a soda last Saturday when we had pizza for dinner (we were out of Hawaiian punch, and I just have to have something with flavor when we have delivery pizza), but just the one. I went right back to my soda fast. I decided that for this month, my goals were going to be to drink 64 ounces of water every day, and journal my food. I have friends who journal and enter their stuff into SparkPeople or Fitday and record their calorie content and everything. My goal is a little simpler: just to be mind*full of what I put into my mouth. I have noticed a pattern of not having dessert lately. Not even a Hershey kiss filled with caramel, which seem to be my craving of choice this pregnancy. Tonight I found myself wanting something sweet, and I've decided to have a chocolate covered chocolate-chip granola bar. This is not the old Elizabeth's idea of dessert. Well, it is, sort of, in that it's chocolate. But my old idea of dessert is cakes, candies, cookies, ice cream. Definitely not a granola bar. So I'm improving. Gradually making healthier choices. And that's the eventual goal. Slowly transition to a healthier way of eating and moving.

On the moving front, I didn't get any strength training or yoga done this week. At all. I've been a slave to my computer, playing games on Facebook. Today, I just decided that I'd had enough. The graphics on the games are so intense, they overheat my 3-year-old laptop and make it shut down without warning. They overwhelm my tenuous wireless connection and kick me offline, and just get my blood boiling. And that is most certainly not healthy.

So that's where I am. I gratefully also meet you where you are.

Till next time...

1 comment:

  1. Go Elizabeth!
    Small changes DO count, so don't get discouraged. Hang in there!
